Friday, January 31, 2014

Which to choose, which to choose?

I've been given a great Gift, and it's so awesome. I love being Catholic! There are so many dimensions to one Catholic Church.  We can choose to be a member of the Church only, and we still reap so many benefits to being Catholic and partaking of the Sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, Anointing....all available on a regular basis!). We also are blessed with lay-organizations that we can join; small parishes might have the Knights of Columbus and the Altar Society (or another women's group), and hopefully a bible study group; some parishes have schools, and with them, parent organizations.  Then, at larger parishes and dioceses, many more organized groups, such as Militia Immaculata, Legion of Mary, Daughters of Isabella, men's groups, and various other national/local groups.

Right now, I'm feeling called to explore the different groups and options, in order to grow my Faith, and to share it with others, as well as support them. But which one? I want to give my best to whichever group I decide to focus on. (God comes before ALL things, including service and social groups, prayer groups, or any other sub-group.)  I know I don't have to choose just one. I wonder how I'll know where I'm supposed to be. I'm going to trust God to guide me.  It also occurred to me tonight, that perhaps I'm not *supposed* to choose just one.  As mentioned, it's a great thing to have so many supporting groups to choose from, but it's easy for the groups to be 'divided', and not interact with each other.  Maybe His Plan for me will be to belong to more than one or two, and participate, as my time is pretty flexible right now.  When people get involved in one group, tunnel vision can strangle, or impede, growth. Plus, sometimes we might outgrow a group, or our focus or perspective changes. But if people aren't aware of other groups, they might just drift away, instead of re-focusing.

Sure, many people will join a group, such as Knights of Columbus, or Altar Society, and be a lifelong member, and dedicate 100% of his or her time.  That's a great thing! People who can that are impressive. I just don't know if that's me; maybe it will be me when I find the right 'home' inside my Home.

Over the last months, and especially the last few weeks, God has really opened up my heart and I've found so many different outlets to choose from.  My devotion to God won't change (except to grow stronger!); He comes first.  My devotion to Mary and the Rosary won't change.  I'm excited about the path; I just don't know what it is yet! Or how many He'll have me taking....In the meantime, I'm meeting with people, attending Masses and prayer meetings, attending workshops and classes, and meeting great, spiritual, God-filled people.  Many of us Catholics are great at sharing our faith online, or in our 'cliques' or small groups, but do we share with other Catholics, other Earth-dwellers?  Many of the groups or focuses I'm looking at do compliment each other.  Maybe I'll do a 'double-major' with a 'minor' in my personal and public Spiritual Life. :)

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