St. Augustine, please pray for all of us who suffer from addictions of any kind, that we may overcome them through His Love and Mercy, and our Love for the Lord. You lived part of your life as far from God as possible, yet you became a saint. Please pray with us and for us to conquer these burdens, or to accept these crosses and chains according to His will. Give us the strength to walk away from our addictions, or the ability to stand to bear them. Please pray with us for those of our children who are away from the Faith, away from God, and living apart from His Life for us; your mother, St. Monica, suffered this daily until you returned to the Lord. St. Monica and St. Augustine, pray that all wayward children, especially our sons, see the way back that the Lord has given them.
St. Cecilia, please pray to help us to find the joy of God in the beauty around us, especially in music and art; please bless those gifted to share those talents, that they may share God's Love for us in those ways that touch us.
St. Teresa of Avila, please pray for me and all those who suffer from severe headaches, migraines, and other painful physical conditions. Help us to offer up our suffering when we are unable to alleviate our pain conventionally. If so, please offer our suffering to God so that someone else's suffering might be eased.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us to be children of God, and to appreciate all His Wonders we have in our daily lives. Share your roses with those that need the sign to complete this love and appreciation of our God's great love for us.
St. Anne, we ask you to pray for us and with us; you were Mary's mother, and saw the path your Grandson took to save the world, as well as the pain that His Mother suffered. Pray for our families, especially those families that have an unborn baby. We pray that this, and every baby, be born as to God's plan, and not killed in the womb. Pray with us for the end to abortion, and for the situations to end that cause those who think there is a need for these murders.
St. Faustina, through you we have learned the Divine Mercy prayer, and it has been prayed millions of times for God's Mercy. You are so close to Jesus, we ask for your prayers that we also may see Jesus in our daily lives, and be open and able to hear His own Message for us. Help us to live to see His Divine Mercy.
St. Francis de Sales, please pray with me that my words, actions, writings, may be led by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, that somehow others are drawn to learn more, and perhaps be led to Christianity and Catholicism in order to serve their lives as His Children. Please pray that my discernment may be easily understood and clear to me.
St. Catherine of Bologna, please pray for us against the temptations both of the body and soul. After seeing your habit and hearing your story last week, I have felt drawn to learn more about you. Be with me as I begin this journey of learning, and that I may acquire any of your amazing attributes that allowed you to turn your back on the ways of the world to serve Christ as He called you.
All you saints and angels in Heaven, pray for us, and for the departed souls in purgatory.
Watch, O Lord (St. Augustine)
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight,
and give Your angels and saints charge over those who sleep.
Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest Your weary ones.
Bless Your dying ones.
Soothe Your suffering ones.
Pity Your afflicted ones.
Shield Your joyous ones, and all for Your love's sake. Amen.
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